Category: Uncategorized

10 Common Thinking Errors Leaders Make

Leadership is not an easy task, and even the best leaders are susceptible to errors in thinking that can hinder decision-making and, ultimately, organizational success. Research shows the most common cognitive biases and fallacies affecting leaders. Recognizing and avoiding these pitfalls can significantly enhance leadership effectiveness. Here is a list of those ten most common […]

Industry flirts with making the Possible conference a must-attend tentpole event

If you work in the marketing or media industry, “#POSSIBLE2024” almost inevitably populated your social media feed on LinkedIn or X, during the past week. The accompanying images of your professional peers, or vaguely familiar faces at least, resemble a dress rehearsal for the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity–the bougie-zenith of the ad industry’s annual […]

Global HR Trends That Are Transforming Business

At our recent IIC Partners global conference in Paris, Renee Arrington, President & COO of Pearson Partners, moderated a panel on Global HR Trends That Are Transforming Business, featuring three HR executives from leading European companies. The panelists represented diverse industries—heavy manufacturing and defense, technology and FMCG—and offered great insights into how their companies and […]

Lead with Wonder

In the hectic pace of daily life, it’s easy to lose our sense of wonder. But there is a remarkable power in cultivating wonder—the ability to experience awe, curiosity, and a childlike sense of marvel. By embracing it, we can infuse our lives with joy, inspiration, and appreciation for the world around us. And ultimately, […]

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